Fish4all, NZ Recreational Fishing Competition App
New App Launching Soon!
Experience the thrill of seamless fishing competitions with our innovative New Zealand recreational App, eliminating paperwork hassles and bringing anglers together for a hassle-free and exciting competition like never before.
Our App revolutionizes the way you experience fishing competitions by streamlining the entire process, from organizing and creating events to effortlessly joining competitions and logging your latest catch.
Say goodbye to the headaches of paperwork and coordination, and dive into a world where every angler can easily connect, compete, and celebrate their passion for fishing. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, Fish4all is your go-to App for making fishing competitions a seamless and enjoyable experience. Cast your worries aside and reel in the excitement with Fish4all – where organizing, joining, and logging your catches has never been easier.
Behold the power of innovation!
Our team has been hard at work, crafting new functionalities that will elevate your interaction with Fish4all to unprecedented heights.
Whether you're a long-time user or a newcomer, get ready to be amazed by the enhanced capabilities that await you.
It's not just an App; it's a rebirth, and we can't wait for you to experience the magic!
Coming soon 2024!
Frequently asked questions
Yes. At the sign up stage, users will be asked information on gender, ethnicity, age and e-mail address. Users will also be asked their fishing region, species and fishing method, which will become their default setting to make it easier every time the user needs to log a catch (defaults can be altered). While individual privacy is protected, for the sector the App will provide important information on demographics, catches, fishing methods, and overall catch per unit of time stats by region.
The app has been built for either marine or freshwater fishing. The methods of fishing currently available on the app are off a boat, off the shore, diving and by hand. Get in touch if you would like to add more hrough our Facebook page or the website (www.fish4all.co.nz).
For individual fishers there are three main benefits to the app: 1) It serves as a personal fishing diary and offers a way for fishers to compare their catch with others in their region and the North Island and South Island. 2) Fishers can take photos and brag to their mates. 3) By using the app fishers can help raise funds for the sector by simply taking advantage of special discounts, competitions and deals that will only be available to App users (users who don’t want to be notified can opt out). While the App is a fun way to gather information it’s also a way of contributing to the sustainability of our fish stocks. The app is the brainchild of recreational fishers Tony Craig and John Murphy who recognise that recreational fishing trends are not well understood in New Zealand (a common problem worldwide).
To maintain privacy for those who use the App, email addresses and “handles” are required to register. We also require information such as gender, ethnicity and age group, however, this is used to provide demographic information on recreational fishing in New Zealand. The email addresses will be used to send you updates from Fish4all and discount vouchers negotiated by Fish4all on behalf of all rec fishers for you to take advantage of.
The App is currently only available for NZ regions and fish species. However, it is designed in such a way that our developers can easily change the regions and species to cater for any country or specific areas. Secure your country's rights here. Click here to contact us!
Fish4All is available for Android and iPhone only at this time.
Contact us.
You can help us with your feedback by filling in the form. We will reply as soon as we're back on shore!!!